Services – Explanations

Executive search

The main activity of QualtiySearch & Partners is the search, identification and selection of managing directors.

In our search, we focus on the local and the international market, looking for local, national and international candidates. To fulfil our objectives, we base our work on the following methodologies

Direct Search

Using a direct search methodology, we identify and attract the ideal candidate from a specific sector. With this methodology, we identify those executives with proven experience in a specific industry, assuring a high level of confidentiality for our clients and candidates.

This methodology is focused on the identification and attraction of highly sought-after managing directors, who are difficult to attract through traditional methodologies. We have a large number of contacts in different sectors. This is an advantageous starting point. However, true executive search is about deep market research. This requires high specialization and great effort to achieve good results.

Executive Recruitment

Through elaborate and careful advertising on web sites and in the press, together with our database, we are able to recruit a large number of candidates, from different sectors, who are looking for professional change. After initial filtering, candidates pass through an exhaustive evaluation process. Our Consultants combine great knowledge of different industries and experience with the latest assessment and selection techniques.

Middle Search

This methodology combines the direct search/head hunting method with traditional selection (selection through advertisement). It allows us, on the one hand, to access candidates who are difficult to attract and who are working in an specific industry.

On the other hand, it allows us to recruit candidates who are interested in professional change. A typical application of this methodology occurs when a client wants to consider candidates from his direct competitors but at the same time compare the quality of professionals from different activity sectors.

Outplacement ejecutivo & relocation



QualitySearch Outplacement is a consultancy firm that offers solutions focused on career transition, executive development and professional growth in the process of change in the work environment.

We define outplacement as a group of techniques and strategies that allow people who wish to leave the organization where they have been working to find new employment, according to their personal and professional objectives and considering the current state of the employment market.

Therefore, outplacement is a service that our firm provides to all or some of the company’s redundant employees so that the transition in their professional careers is as smooth as possible.

Our consultants in the area of outplacement have been trained by pioneers in Spain in applying different methodologies. They have 20 years experience in guidance and career transition, and are highly knowledgeable about the local job market.

QS Global hospitality

QS Hospitaliy constituye una unidad de negocio especializada en el sector hotelero y enfocada fundamentalmente a:

  • Cadenas hoteleras internacionales, hoteles independientes, empresas gestoras y comercializadoras de servicios turísticos.


  • Proveedores de tecnología para el sector turístico B2B y B2C a nivel internacional.


Damos una solución personalizada en áreas operativas y estratégicas a través de la búsqueda de profesionales como:

  • Directivos y mandos intermedios.
  • Estructura corporativa.
  • Estructura completa para nuevas aperturas.


Por otro lado, llevamos a cabo consultoría estratégica en procesos de crecimiento y expansión desde España a otros países y desde el exterior hacia el mercado español mediante:

  • Análisis de mercados.
  • Estrategia comercial y marketing para apertura de nuevo mercados.
  • Estudios de viabilidad y adaptación de producto en procesos de expansión al mercado español.


Proporcionamos además asesoramiento sobre tecnología y herramientas de gestión y comercialización hotelera.

Qualitysearch wellbeing

Desde QualitySearch Wellbeing, llevamos a cabo programas directivos enfocados no sólo a combatir las causas, signos y síntomas relacionados con el estrés, sino también a proporcionar una serie de estrategias prácticas para su gestión.
Diseñados de modo específico en función de las necesidades de cada empresa, tenemos una amplia oferta que nos permite elaborar proyectos enteramente adaptados a sus necesidades.
Nuestra metodología es totalmente práctica y tiene como objetivo provocar cambios reales en el individuo.

Ofrecemos dos tipos de programa:

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  • Programas individuales, orientados al directivo.
  • Programas modulares, de carácter grupal.

Disponemos de más de 15 módulos estrechamente vinculados a la gestión de estrés, los cuales son complementarios y nos permiten aportar desde una intervención de corta duración hasta un programa intensivo en gestión de estrés.

Colaboramos con distintas empresas y consultores freelance específicos para cada actuación. Entre nuestros partners estratégicos: Elephant plena constituye nuestro principal colaborador en servicios de bienestar en la empresa.